Department of Mechanics
The Department of Mechanics is part of the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia
An interesting problem...
Euler's disk...
Mechanics is a science that deals with motion and deformation of bodies under the action of forces. Its essential ingredients are axioms, theorems, proofs, definitions, principles, but at the heart of it, what mechanics really consist of, are problems and solutions.
Forthcomming events
International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2016
Fractional Calculus for Modelling
Phenomena from our Life, Workshop, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 2016
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Personal Data
Nenad M. Grahovac, Assistant Professor

Location: Tower, Room 710
Phone: +381 (0)21 485 2248
Fax: +381 (0)21 450 207
Address: University of Novi Sad, 21000 Novi Sad, Trg D. Obradovica 6, Serbia
Status: Married, Child Mateja (2014)
Educational and professional experience- 1996-2002 B Sc in Mechanical Engineering, University of Novi Sad
- June 6, 2005 M Sc in Mechanical Engineering, University of Novi Sad
- December 8, 2011 Doctor of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
- 2003-2004 Research Assistant, Department of Mechanics, University of Novi Sad
- 2004 - 2012 Assistant, Department of Mechanics, University of Novi Sad
- 2012 - to present Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanics, University of Novi Sad
- Teaching:
- Supervising graduate and postgraduate works
- Investigator of sponsored research projects
- Administrative:
- 2014 to 2018 Chair
- 2014 to 2018 Member of Faculty Council
Mechanics in the Departments of Architecture (A207)
Kinematics and Dynamics in the Department of Mechantronics (H112)
Analytical Mechanics in the Department of Mechantronics (H201)
Variational Principles and Non-Smooth Mechanics in the Department of Mechantronics (H303)
Dynamics of Non-Smooth Systems in the Department of Mechanics (M404)
Biomechanics of Cardio-Vascular System in the Department of Mechanics (M45991)
Non-Smooth Mechanics and Optimization (DM406)
Impact Theories (SDI5)
Biomechanical Analysis of Accidents (DSIM7)
- Miodrag Zigic and Nenad Grahovac, Earthquake response of adjacent structures with viscoelastic and friction dampers, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2015, 42(4), 277-289.
- Miodrag Zigic and Nenad Grahovac, Crash test modelling, Mechanics through Mathematical Modelling (MTMM2015 - Symposium in the honour of 70th birthday of Academician Teodor Atanackovic), September, 7 - 10, 2015, Branch of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Miodrag Zigic and Nenad Grahovac, Oscillations of adjacent structures during an earthquake,The 5th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Aran?elovac, June, 15-17, 2015, ISBN 978-86-7892-715-7.
- Miodrag Zigic, Nenad Grahovac and Dragan T. Spasic, An optimal control problem for a sliding isolated seismically excited structure with passive fractional damping, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA14), June, 23 - 25, 2014, University of Catania, Italy
- Dusan Zorica, Miodrag Zigic and Nenad Grahovac, Problem of a body impacting against a rigid wall, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA14), June, 23 - 25, 2014, University of Catania, Italy
- Miodrag Zigic, Nenad Grahovac and Dragan T. Spasic, On numerical solution of an optimal control problem for a sliding isolated seismically excited structure with passive fractional damping, 3rd International conference on "Contemporary problems of mathematics, mechanics and informatics (CPMMI 2014)", June, 15 - 17, 2014, State University of Novi Pazar, Serbia.
- Nenad M. Grahovac and Dragan T. Spasic, Multivalued fractional differential equations as a model for an impact of two bodies, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2014, Vol. 20, No. 7, 1017-1032.
- N. Grahovac, On possible scripts between two bodies in impact, 2nd International conference on "Contemporary problems of mathematics, mechanics and informatics (CPMMI 2012)", June, 17 - 19, 2012, State University of Novi Pazar, Serbia.
- N. M. Grahovac and D. T. Spasic, Multivalued fractional differential equations as a model for the impact of two bodies, Proceedings of The Fifth Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications. Nanjing, China, May 14-17, 2012 (Eds: Wen Chen, HongGuang Sun and Dumitru Baleanu). Article No 92.
- M. Zigic, and N. Grahovac, Linear fractional derivative model of a polymer gel, Proceedings of The Fifth Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications. Nanjing, China, May 14-17, 2012 (Eds: Wen Chen, HongGuang Sun and Dumitru Baleanu). Article No 168.
- N. Kovincic, M. Zigic, N. Grahovac and D. Spasic, On Impact in Biomechanical Systems, International scientific conference on mechanics "SIXTH POLYAKHOV READINGS", Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 31 January-03 February, 2012, pp. 251.
- N.M. Grahovac, M. M. Zigic, D.T. Spasic, On impact scripts with both fractional and dry friction type of dissipation, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2012, Vol 22, No. 4, 1250076 (10 pages).
- N. M. Grahovac (2011), Energy dissipation analysis in multiple impact problems, University of Novi Sad, PhD Thesis.
- N. M. Grahovac, M. M. Zigic and D. T. Spasic (2011) On impact scripts with both fractional and dry friction type of dissipation, accepted for publication in International Journal of Bifircation and Chaos, IJBC-D-11-00125.
- M. Zigic, N. Grahovac: Dynamical behavior for a polymer gel during impact. Fractional derivative viscoelastic model, Proceedings of Abstracts IConSSM 2011,The 3rd International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Vlasina Lake, 5-8 July, 2011. str. 173, UDK: 531/534(048), ISBN 978-86-909973-2-9.
- N. M. Grahovac, M. M. Zigic, (2010), Modelling of the hamstring muscle group by use of fractional derivatives, Computers and Mathematics with applications, Vol 59, Issue 5, pp. 1695 - 1700, ISSN 0898-1221.
- N. M. Grahovac, M. M. Zigic and D. T. Spasic (2010), "On impact scripts with both fractional and dry friction type of dissipation", Proceedings of FDA'10. The 4th IFAC Workshop Fractional Differentiation and its Applications. Badajoz, Spain, October 18-20, 2010 (Eds: I. Podlubny, B. M. Vinagre Jara, YQ. Chen, V. Feliu Batlle, I. Tejado Balsera). ISBN 9788055304878, Article No FDA10_142
- V. Glavardanov, R. Maretic, Grahovac, N., (2009), Buckling of a twisted and compressed rod supported by Cardan joints, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 131- 140.
- N. M. Grahovac, Generalized Zener model in the analysis of free vibration of a viscoelastic oscillator, 2nd International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Palic: Serbian Society of Mechanics, 01-05 June, 2009, pp. 145-153.
- Grahovac N., Zigic M: Fractional derivative viscoelastic model of the hamstring muscle group, 3rd IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Ankara, Turkey: 05-07 november, 2008.
- Zigic M., Grahovac N.: On a mechanical model of a hamstring, 25th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, Czeske Budejovice, Czesky Krumlov, Czech Republic: Czech Technical University in Prague, 24-27 September, 2008, pp. 283- 284.
- M. M. Zigic, N. M. Grahovac and D. T. Spasic: A simplified earthquake dynamics of a column like structure with fractional type of dissipation, 1st International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Beograd: Serbian Society of Mechanics, 10-13 April, 2007, pp. 165- 172.
- N. M. Grahovac, M. M. Zigic, and D. T. Spasic: On multiple impacts with fractional type of dissipation, 1st International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Beograd: Serbian Society of Mechanics, 10-13 April, 2007, pp. 173- 180.
- B. S. Baclic, N. M. Grahovac and P.J. Heggs: Effectiveness of two-pass regenerators, 9TH UK National Heat Transfer Conference, Manchester: 5-6 September, 2005.
- Grahovac, N.: Effectiveness of heat exchange in two-pass regenerators, 25th Yugoslav Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Novi Sad: Yugoslav Society of Mechanics, Faculty of Technical Sciences, 1-3 June, 2005, pp. 63- 63.
- Grahovac, N.: Evaluation of effectiveness for two-pass symmetric and balanced regenerators, 25th Yugoslav Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Novi Sad: Yugoslav Society of Mechanics, Faculty of Technical Sciences, 1-3 June, 2005, pp. 64- 64.