Department of Mechanics
The Department of Mechanics is part of the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia
An interesting problem...
Euler's disk...
Mechanics is a science that deals with motion and deformation of bodies under the action of forces. Its essential ingredients are axioms, theorems, proofs, definitions, principles, but at the heart of it, what mechanics really consist of, are problems and solutions.
Forthcomming events
International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2016
Fractional Calculus for Modelling
Phenomena from our Life, Workshop, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 2016
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Personal Data
Dr. Zvonko Rakarić, Associate Professor
Location: Wing F, Room 220
Phone: +381 (0)21 485 2242
Fax: +381 (0)21 450 207
Scientific background- 2009 Msc in Mechanical engineering
- 2011 PhD in Technical Sciences - Mechanics
- Kovacic I., Rakaric Z, Statics I, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Tecnical Sciences, 2006. (in Serbian)
- Kovacic I., Rakaric Z, Statics II, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Tecnical Sciences, 2006. (in Serbian)
- Z. Rakaric, I. Kovacic, Approximations for Motion of the Oscillators with a Non-Negative Real-Power Restoring Force, Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (2011) 321-336.
- I. Kovacic, Z. Rakaric, Study of Oscillators with a Non-Negative Real-Power Restoring Force and Quadratic Damping, Nonlinear Dynamics 64 (2011) 293-304.
- Z. Rakaric, Oscillators with Quasi-Constant Restoring Force, Meccanica 46 (2011) 1047-1053.
- I. Kovacic, Z. Rakaric, Oscillators with a Fractional-order Restoring Force; Higher Order Approximations for Motion via a Modified Ritz Method, Communication in Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical simulation 15 (2010) 2651-2658.
- I. Kovacic, Z. Rakaric, L. Cveticanin, A Non-Simultaneous Variational Approuch for a Certain Class of Non-Linear Oscillators, Applied Mathematic and Computation, 217 (2010) 3944-3954.
- L. Cveticanin, I. Kovacic, Z. Rakaric, Asymptotic Methods for Vibration of the Pure Fractional-Order Non-Linear Oscillators, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 60 (2010) 2616-2628.
- Z. Rakaric, I. Kovacic, Oscillators with Purely Non-Negative Real-Power Restoring Force: Approximations for Free and Forced Response via Elliptic Functions and Averaging, 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, July 24-29, Rome, Italy 2011.
- Z. Rakaric, I. Kovacic, On the Behaviour of Forced Oscillators with a Non-Negative Real-Power Restoring Force and Van der Pol Damping, 3th Serbian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Vlasina Lake, Serbia, 5-8 July 2011.
- I. Kovacic, Z. Rakaric, On the Motion of Certain Non-Conservative Oscillators with a Purely Non-Linear Restoring Force, XXII Conference of Noise and Vibration, Nis, 2010.
- I. Kovacic, Z. Rakaric, Higher approximations for Motion for Conservative Oscillators with a Fractional-order Restoring Force; Non-Simultaneous and Simultaneous Variational Approuch, IV Europen Conference on Computational Mechanics ECCM, Paris France May 16-21, 2010.
- I. Kovacic, Z. Rakaric, L. Cveticanin, On the motion of the oscillators with a fractional-order restoring force, 2th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Palic (Subotica), Serbia, 1-5 June 2009.
- Z. Rakaric and M. Zukovic, Iteration method solution for oscillators with sign(x)Abs(x)^alfa elastic force, 2th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Palic (Subotica), Serbia, 1-5 June 2009.
- Z. Rakaric, M. Zukovic, Subharmonic Oscillation in a Non - Ideal Mechanical System, 1st Internacional Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, 10-13 April 2007, Kopaonik.
- M. Zukovic, Z. Rakaric, Chaos in Nonideal Mechanical Systems, 25th Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1-3 jun Novi Sad 2005.
- M. Zukovic, Z. Rakaric, Steady State Vibration of Mechanical System with Electric Motor and Nonlinear Spring, Iternational Conference on Computational Mechanics-CM 04 Beograd 2004.
- M. Zukovic, D. Radomirovic, Z. Rakaric, Nelinearne oscilacije u mehanickim sistemima sa zazorom, International Scientific Conference Flexible Technologies - MMA Novi Sad 2003.
- Parametrically excited oscillators: behaviour, phenomena and benefits, International Project, funded by the Provincial Secretariat of Science and Technological Development of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, 2011 - 2014
- Applied biomedical engineering in pre-clinical and clinical practice, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic Serbia, 2011 -2014